The New Hope Baptist Church had its beginnings with the establishment of the
Macedonia Baptist Church in the year of 1828. The Church was a wooden framed
building used by both Blacks and Whites. Worship Services were held only one
Sunday a month. After the slaves were freed, the custom of joint worshipping was
Macedonia Baptist Church in the year of 1828. The Church was a wooden framed
building used by both Blacks and Whites. Worship Services were held only one
Sunday a month. After the slaves were freed, the custom of joint worshipping was
In 1863 Dr. Campbell donated separate tracts of land to the Blacks and the
Whites. The Blacks today remain in the original donated location. The Whites
relocated to an adjacent lot.
To our knowledge, this Church has had eight outstanding pastors. The first pastor
was Rev. Harps. His successors were Rev. John Cook, Rev. Sam Daniel, and Rev.
Nate Harris. Rev. M.E. Cook pastored this Church for thirty-two years. Under his
leadership, a new building was constructed and named the New Hope Baptist
Church. Afterward, Rev. D.F. Fuller served as pastor. Rev. G.H. Henry served as
pastor from 1959 to 1978. Under his leadership, the Sanctuary was bricked, and
the educational building was added. Rev. Frank Steed served as Assistant Pastor
during Rev. Henry’s illness.
In November 1978, our present pastor, Rev. J.D. Walker was elected and has
served this Church for 45 years, making him the longest serving pastor of New
Throughout the years many improvements have been made. The membership
elected to have worship services twice per month instead of the traditional once a
month worship. The educational wing was constructed in 1977. Bible Study is held
each Wednesday beginning at 6:00 P.M. via Zoom. The Class is taught by the
Past records indicate that this Church was affiliated with a District Association and
that meetings were held here in 1891, 1893, 1900, 1910 and 1921. At the present
time this Church is affiliated with the Cane Creek Missionary Baptist Association,
Inc., which was organized in 1930. Currently our Pastor, Rev. J.D. Walker serves as the Moderator of the Association.
The first deacons serving under Rev. M.E. Cook’s pastorate were Dea. John
Chaney, Dea. Sam Bryant, Dea. George Frazier, Dea. Henry Owens, Dea. Will Hill,
Dea. Max Anderson, Dea. Josh Steed, Dea. J.R. Sullivan, Dea. Siddons Holmes and
Dea. Jessie Marshall. Dea. Marshall served 50 years as Sunday School
Superintendent and also served over 30 years as chairman of the Board of
Deacons. Dea. Abe Steed also served on the board of deacons. Dea. Dan Willis,
Dea. Charlie Little, Dea. William Chaney and Dea. Willie Barron were elected
under the pastorate of Rev. G.H. Henry. On September 14, 1980, Dea. Solomon
Ferguson and Dea. L.S. Glencamp were ordained as Deacons. On September 25,
1988, Dea. Willie James Ted Anderson and Dea. Ed Harris, who was later called
into the ministry, and Dea. James Brown were ordained as Deacons. Dea. Andrew
Spivey, Dea. Andrew Nixon, and Dea. Clifford Jones were also added to the Board
of Deacons. Dea. Solomon Kerr was added to the Board and later, Dea. Julius
Warrior III, Dea. Jack Warren, Dea. Kirk Copeland, and Dea. Hardy Owens were
added. In 2014, Dea. Edward Warrior and Dea. Lovette Little, Jr. were ordained
and added to the Board. Dea. Danny Marshall and Dea. David White were added
in 2019. Dea. Quardez Warrior was ordained on June 25, 2023, and added to the
Chaney, Dea. Sam Bryant, Dea. George Frazier, Dea. Henry Owens, Dea. Will Hill,
Dea. Max Anderson, Dea. Josh Steed, Dea. J.R. Sullivan, Dea. Siddons Holmes and
Dea. Jessie Marshall. Dea. Marshall served 50 years as Sunday School
Superintendent and also served over 30 years as chairman of the Board of
Deacons. Dea. Abe Steed also served on the board of deacons. Dea. Dan Willis,
Dea. Charlie Little, Dea. William Chaney and Dea. Willie Barron were elected
under the pastorate of Rev. G.H. Henry. On September 14, 1980, Dea. Solomon
Ferguson and Dea. L.S. Glencamp were ordained as Deacons. On September 25,
1988, Dea. Willie James Ted Anderson and Dea. Ed Harris, who was later called
into the ministry, and Dea. James Brown were ordained as Deacons. Dea. Andrew
Spivey, Dea. Andrew Nixon, and Dea. Clifford Jones were also added to the Board
of Deacons. Dea. Solomon Kerr was added to the Board and later, Dea. Julius
Warrior III, Dea. Jack Warren, Dea. Kirk Copeland, and Dea. Hardy Owens were
added. In 2014, Dea. Edward Warrior and Dea. Lovette Little, Jr. were ordained
and added to the Board. Dea. Danny Marshall and Dea. David White were added
in 2019. Dea. Quardez Warrior was ordained on June 25, 2023, and added to the
The Board of Deacons currently includes Dea. Solomon Ferguson, Chairman who
has served as Chairman since 1990; Dea. Edward Warrior, Vice Chairman;
Deacons James Brown, Solomon Kerr, Lovette Little, Jr., Danny Marshall, Jack
Warren, Julius Warrior III, David White, and Quardez Warrior.
Ordained ministers are Rev. Wallace Steed and Rev. Jonas Ferguson. Ordained
Minister, Rev. Ed Harris passed in 2013.
The Church has the following ministries and auxiliaries: Board of Deacons,
Deaconess, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Gospel Choir, Senior and Junior
Ushers and the Greetings Ministry.
The Sanctuary was constructed in 1930 and on July 23, 1993, the Sanctuary was
completely destroyed by fire. The fire also destroyed 30 percent of the
educational building. Daniel Construction of LaGrange, Georgia was awarded the
contract for the rebuilding and remodeling project. During the months of
rebuilding, Worship Services were held in the cafetorium of the Manchester
Middle School until provisions were made in the original educational building to
accommodate Worship Services. The Manchester Middle School is now the headquarters for the Cane Creek Missionary Baptist Association. The transition
back to the church site was made in January of 1994 and on June 12, 1994, the
official dedication of the New Sanctuary and the educational building was held. In
June of 1999, the Note was completely paid off for the rebuilding project.
In August of 2014, Principal Construction Company of LaGrange, Georgia was
awarded the contract to add an elevator, handicapped doors, and a marque. The
Church secured a 20-year note to cover the cost of the project. The project
suffered several delays, but the elevator became operational in March of 2015
and the project was finally completed at the end of June 2015. In October 2021,
the Church announced the final payment had been made on the original 20-year
note. Through the tithes and offerings of its members, the note was paid in full in
6 years and 4 months.
In early 2020, the COVID-19 virus caused a world-wide pandemic. Businesses and
schools closed, and by March of 2020 churches, including New Hope were no
longer holding in-person services. But as the Lord would have it, New Hope
continued its Worship Services on YouTube. Services were recorded and uploaded
to Rev. Walker’s YouTube channel and at 11:00 on Sunday mornings, members
tuned in for worship. New Hope Baptist Church opened its doors for in-person
services on the second Sunday in July 2021. Although attendees had their
temperature checked, were socially distanced, and wore face coverings to comply
with CDC guidelines, everyone was so grateful to participate in in-person services
The Church has over one-hundred fifty active members with Rev. J.D. Walker
continuing to serve as Pastor.
Thank you for your attention as we provided a brief history of the growth and
development of the New Hope Baptist Church in Manchester, Georgia. We look
forward to your participation in our continuous progress and spiritual growth.